Without the board
Wading hard
My arms hurt
Muscles are forming!!
*bye bye fats*
A BIG kid who LOVES to draw!!
Splish Splosh Splash!!!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Posted by Joy at 2:00:00 PM 0 comments
Yippee!! Whooppee!!!
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Haha!! It's lunch break.. or rather it's nap time for the lil' kids at work :D
I'm soooo soooo soooo HAPPY!! ELATED! EUPHORIC!!
I can SWIM!! Well, not exactly swim. I can float and kick in the water!
After 3 days of swimming.. YIPPEE!!!
I got it! I got it! I got it!!
Hehe.. And I've bought my goggles.
Congratulate me!
Posted by Joy at 2:08:00 PM 0 comments
Daddy Dearest
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Dear Dad,
When Mommy told me that you had a fall. I thought you were badly hurt. Mommy said you called her from the hospital. Were you able to walk?
Mommy said, "Can you meet him at the food centre? Go home together?"
Yea.. I don't know how was he.
When I saw Dad. He looked fine. He had a small bandage on his forehead. His white collared shirt was stainless.
12 stitches! They lie beneathe the small bandage. It must have been really painful.
Dad went to the jospital in an ambulance. He's fine..
His shoulder and arm were aching. I rubbed ointment on him.
He refused to cover himself with a blanket. I still did cover him up. "Thank you," he muttered.
The ravages of time is making Daddy more and more vulnerable.
Seeing him age... Now, it's my turn to care for him. I'm learning how to love him in a whole new way.
Posted by Joy at 10:01:00 PM 0 comments
Got ingredient?
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Being a person of substance, of calibre(a degree or grade of excellence or worth)
In Hokkien.. It means "got ingredient".. "ooh liao"
Sigh.. After experiencing a very disappointing episode.. This is the conclusion.
If a woman marries a man of high calibre, she "tan dieo".."benefits greatly from the union"
If a woman marries a man of a lower calibre than she is, she "CHIAM!".."die lah"
To a woman, calibre means a lot. I didn't understand why most guys can be smitten with just looks alone and nothing much else. Until, a very wise lady made that Hokkien statement.
So.. You got ingredient?
Posted by Joy at 12:02:00 AM 0 comments
All in the name of VANITY
Saturday, October 14, 2006
It's sooo painful. I wore my heels [it's not really high(4cm?)]
Remember my new jeans? I wore it today. It's too long even after folding it. Soo.. I wore heels. I didn;t want to drag my jeans on the floor. In the end.. I ended up dragging myself home.
It's soo painful, excruciating. Excruciatingly intense pain!! Haha..
Ai swee, mai mia (want to be pretty, don't want life)[Chinese dialect]
Posted by Joy at 11:11:00 PM 0 comments
Shopping Spreeeeeee
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
These are my last words before mommy dearest wakes up..
I exceeded my cash limit today($200..?) Sigh..
Initially, it was just a pair of jeans! My current Levi's was with me for 6 YEARS!!! But good times don't last.. It wore out, I out grew it.. the seams split! Wahahahahahahah...
Salesgal: Is this all?
Me: Wait.. I want to look around..
I was recalling what my mom said wore out.. And I got them..ALL! Cash was flowing out fast...!!
+Tank tops + cushion(It was just too kawaii!!)
Goodbye... this could well be my last entry..
..::playing Teresa Teng's song..Goodbye..::..
Posted by Joy at 9:02:00 PM 0 comments
A "Brand-New" Laptop
Sunday, October 08, 2006
D: Eww.. Your laptop is brown.. What did you do to it?
Me: Nothing.
D: Precisely. Go and clean it.
My brother whipped out his cleaning foam and cloth (machiam... I only heard of shaving foam lor..)
D: You know how to use?
Me: No... ??? Know?
D: Shake the bottle. Spray and wipe in circular motions.
I wiped... and did a whole lot more.
D: Aiyo... how can you wipe the touch pad so hard? Machiam.. Your laptop won't last for the next 5 years.
Aiya.. I dunno how to wipe properly la! I promptly gave up. Gave him back the bottle of foam.
Well... after much cajoling.. I was back to wiping individual keys.
TA-DAH!!! A "brand new" laptop!!!
Posted by Joy at 3:19:00 PM 0 comments
It's a brand new start
Where changes abound
I cried, I teared
I had to let go
It's time to move on
A place where people come
The beginnings of dreams
It's a DREAM centre
Possible impossibilities
A GREAT God we have
We're His DREAM team!
Posted by Joy at 12:09:00 AM 0 comments
The Wonders of Olfaction
Monday, October 02, 2006
The human tongue can only distinguish among 7-8 distinct types of taste, while the nose can distinguish among hundreds of substances, even in minute quantities. Olfaction amplifies the sense of taste. Step One: Drink some water amd rid your taste buds of any lingering taste.
Step Two: Pinch the nose real hard so that it cannot detect any aromas...
Step Three: Get READY the mystery food substance.
Step Four: Pop it into your mouth!
I couldn't tell what it was that was in my mouth. My taste buds seemed to fail me.. Until...
I stopped pinching my nose. Ahh... barbeque sauce! Gee.. no wonder food taste sooo bland when my nose is blocked. I love you, nose.. Wahahahahaha..
Posted by Joy at 10:35:00 PM 0 comments
crash 'n' burn
Monday, September 18, 2006
My whole body aches..
Wahahahahahahahahaa!!! I caught you! Did I?
I went to Sentosa yesterday! With my new cg. Hmm.. We were supposed to meet at 10 am. I woke up at 10 plus..*OppS* There was no time to waste.
This was my first time roaming around Sentosa. I'm not particularly good at directions. Actually Sentosa does have a pretty good transport system. It has a terminal where you can change from bus to beach tram. I boarded the wrong tram and got a lil' lost. Whahahahahahaha!
It was a GREAT workout!
+kayak!!!! (I was capsized..haha.. I grabbed the culprit and pulled him down. ello' I dunno how to swim la.)
+"frolicking" in the water
+soccer (I ended being the Goalie! Cos' no need to run mah..)
+Frisbee Monkee
+Volleyball (the few few few balls that I manged to hit end up out of the court!)
Hahaha.. I loved every moment of it!
Now's the crucial part!!!
+chair lift... or is it the skyride? Anyway it's the metal bench you sit on and it's pretty high up.
Then it started to rain. By the time we got down... It started to pour..
+LUGE!!!!! It's like Go-Kart without wheels! It's pouring.. My eyes can't open cos' the raindrops are pelting at me. Waaa.. super SHIOK!
I was really reckless... Alvin, who was in front of me kept on telling me to slow down. Hmm.. hehe.. I came in first! Yea!!
Super fun!! I wanna go back there again.. Will you treat me? Wahahahahahahahaha...
My body hurts..Argh.
Posted by Joy at 10:38:00 PM 0 comments
One million
Friday, September 15, 2006
Hmm... I like it. Becos' it's irritating...wahahahahahahahahahahaha!
You're listening to it NOW!
Here is the translation...
If I have got one million, one million,
I got one million, my whole life no worries,
Never say nobody knows, say already very shy,
Eat until so big, never sat on a plane before,
Worked so hard for so many years, no car no house and also no lover,
See people get married and do business, got money and got success,
If I have got one million, I wanna sit on a plane,
I wanna explore the world, Hawaii to sun bath,
Japan eat sushi ( treat you eat sushi )
If I have got one million, I wanna buy car buy house,
eat all the delicacies of the world, who got the good luck, be my girl
If I have got one million, one million,
If you need to borrow money, just open your mouth and ask and no need shy shy,
Never say nobody knows, say already very shy,
Eat until so big, never sat on a plane before,
Worked so hard for so many years, no car no house and also no lover,
See people get married and do business, got money and got success,
If I have got one million, I wanna sit on a plane,
I wanna explore the world, Italy drink coffee,
Road side eat spaghetti ( road side eat spaghetti )
If I have got one million, I wanna buy car buy house,
Buy shop to collect rent, easy easy no need to work,
Bring dog go for a walk,
If I have got one million, one million,
If you need to borrow money, just open your mouth and ask and no need shy shy,
If I have got one million, one million,
Ten thousand eight thousand take go and use,
No need to pay back also no problem ( pay back money not a problem )
If I have got one million, one million,
Hey friend, you think one million a lot ah?
Posted by Joy at 12:14:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 11, 2006
Haha.. It's not dandruff!
Mommy was seeing things...
Posted by Joy at 12:33:00 AM 0 comments
.::white specks::.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Today... in fact.. just now
Mom: Girl, what's that? (combing her fingers through my hair)
Me: Huh? What...?
Mom: Those white specks...Dandruff!
Me: ...
Mom: You haven't been washing your hair properly. You sleep with you hair wait. Scratch it..it'll go away!
Me: ?
I went to the mirror. Trying to spot the dandruff. Where?
Haha. I've got dandruff.. Help?
Mom: It's definitely not the shampoo..
Me: (without listening) Should I change the shampoo?
Mom: I told you.. it's not the shampoo...
Help! I've got dandruff.
Posted by Joy at 1:28:00 PM 0 comments
First impression
Friday, September 08, 2006
Haha.. actually this entry doesn't have anything to do with this picture. This is Clarice from church. She's very sweet...:D
Hmm, let's look at first impressions.
As a teacher, I'm very biased. Haha. If the lil' kid is mischievious...the lil' kid will DREAD to see me. A long time ago.. I was and now still is very mischievious.
As a student, I'm SUPER DUPER biased. Haha. I have very high expectations of my tutor(which is really unfair...to the teacher) I attended my first sociology tutorial earlier last month. It was a "merry-go-round" tutorial. The discussions went on... and on...and on... in circles. I was super dissatisfied. I needed my keywords!! Haha..
Just now was my second tutorial. Initially.. i was super negative and totally not receptive whenever she spoke. It seemed like any blunder she made was magnified in my eyes. Once again I was biased. I spoke to my classmates about the discussion questions.. then i finally mustered enough courage to speak to my tutor. I was wrong... sooo wrong... Haha. She corrected my blunder.
After having made known to her how I'd like her to input keywords into the lesson.. The second half of the lesson was Great! She understood my learning needs. I finally understood how she teaches. Gee... Why didn;t I approach her earlier?
Many times.. misunderstanding occur because we( yes! you! and me too!) forget to clear them up. We let that misunderstanding take root and there.. It'll grow into a tree bearing fruits of bitterness.
Well, I'm glad my tree of bitterness has been uprooted. It feels good!!
Posted by Joy at 12:07:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 03, 2006
I'm stuck. I don't know what to write. Perhaps this is what a writer's block is...or rather a blogger's block is all about.
Just came back from my junior college alumni concert. Well, let's back track a little.
The whole of last week..
+painted nails
+super scrubbed face (blackheads gone!)
+cut nails
+slept more
Just to prepare for this night. For this special person in fact.
Haha.. I don't know who's reading this. But if you are... haha.. you're entitled to think what you want to think about.
I've got got a crush ever since my first year in junior college. Hmm... this year is the sixth year. I'm still smitten by him. It's wierd isn't it? Something that can never be reciprocrated but yet I'm still hanging on to. It's foolish i know. Many people have told me to move on. I did... but I always end up back where I started.
Okie.. back to the concert.
The concert comprised of 2 short plays and quite a few song items. It's a great effort...considering the busy schedules of the people involved.
The special person sang, played the guitar. Sigh... so many years of avoiding him. I wonder why?
I know I'm incoherent. You just gotta bear with me.
I like him because he brings joy. He lifts me up when I am down. He knows where to draw the line and discipline me. With him, everything's in control even if he springs up surprises.
I've confessed to him when I was in junior college. I was rejected and avoided. I guess that's why I still can't really be myself in his presence.
I want to move on. Sigh.. but it's just so hard. Especially when any small thing would trigger me into thinking that it might be possible.
It's impossible. Give it up.
Posted by Joy at 1:37:00 AM 0 comments
It's Teachers' Day!!
Saturday, September 02, 2006
Happy Teachers' Day to ME!!!
Posted by Joy at 12:01:00 AM 0 comments
.::a new pet::.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Ms Sim's hamster just gave birth!!
By the time my birthday arrives..
68kg: I'll get a hamster.
63kg: I'll get 2 hamsters and a cage with all the necessary things in it!
I'm determined!
Hmm.. will mummy agree...?
Posted by Joy at 11:46:00 PM 1 comments
Monday, August 14, 2006
This is edamame. Green soy beans.
This is ME! I've got to squeeze the beans out. Many flew all over the place.
Hehe. Edamame party anyone?
Posted by Joy at 12:11:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 10, 2006
I'm all ready for school! I've just decorated my textbook.
Now, I won't be able to keep my hands off it!
Haha! Heehee! Hoohoo!!
Posted by Joy at 12:25:00 AM 0 comments
The Ant Bully!!
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Went to watch this with kor kor last night. Hmm.. It was supposed to be a comedy, but I ended up screaming quite a bit. A pretty short movie but never a dull moment! Watch it!!
Posted by Joy at 2:54:00 PM 0 comments
+A New Beginning+
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Avoidance-the act or practice of keeping away from or withdrawing from something undesirable.
That has been what I've been doing. I'm sorry.
I want to start afresh. Away from the stresses and strains.
I don't even know what's happening within me.
I can just sit and stare. Tears will just roll down.
I want to make everything right. Why is it so difficult?
Will I walk through this valley?
Posted by Joy at 12:33:00 AM 0 comments
A day out with mama and dada
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Early in the morning..
Mom: Later we're going to concourse.
Dad: Why...? Nothing to eat there.
Mom: Girl wants to buy things there..
Dad: Huh...
Mom: After that we'd go to town and eat..
I was half awake. Hehe.. I'm gonna get a brand new balloon pump!! And balloons today!!
Oooh.. at the food stalls below army market... there lies Soup Tulang.
The versioin I ate was mutton. It's sooo SHIOK!
...I'm tired..
Okie. Dad has just "retired" So Mom decided to bring him out. Haha..
Dad=61 years old
He's really old.. And Mom couldn't stand him when he was behaving recklessly.
He decided to cross this really busy BIG road. Wrong move. He was scolded.
Later attempts by him to make Mom happy didn't really succeed.
Went to concourse.
Mom finally smiled when I presented the flower I made from balloons :D
Then dad started his antics again...
Haha.. But he's really sweet too.
I'd remember how sweet the mangoes are.. He went to buy and didn't eat them at all.
He knew Mom likes the taste of it.
Posted by Joy at 8:59:00 PM 0 comments
Pukety Puke!
Pukety Pukety Puke!
I ate too much and PUKED
My stomach's too full
I could take it
Pukety Pukety Puke.
*to the rhythm of Humpty Dumpty*
Posted by Joy at 8:23:00 PM 0 comments
I have been tagged!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
#1. Do the following WITHOUT complaint.
#2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours.
#3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged.
#4. Start your post with "I have been tagged!" then do this.
- 10 Favourites
Favourite Colour: Orange!!
Favourite Food: Currently...within my diet.. honey star lor.. :(
Favourite Song: Voice of truth
Favourite Movie: Cheaper by the Dozen
Favourite Sport: Mouth-exercise
Favourite Season: Holiday season?
Favourite Day of the Week: Everyday!!!
Favourite Ice-cream Flavour: Banana
- 9 Currents
Current Mood: Bored
Current Taste: Huh..? Hmm.. sweet? I just drank Honeydew milk
Current Clothes: Pyjamas
Current Desktop: My nephew... Javier
Current Toenail Colour: I didn't paint anything
Current Time: 8.32pm
Current Surroundings: In the bedroom. right:tv. left:chair.
Current Annoyance: slight fever...
Current Thought: how to escape bathing later...wahahahahahahaha!!
- 8 Firsts
First Best Friend: In kindergarten. I forgot her name. She stays in front of my block.
First Crush: Primary 1..he was a crybaby..
First Movie: It's either Casper of Beauty and the Beast.
First Piercing: Hmm.. I think it's during secondary school. The piercing closed. I'm allergic.
First Lie: Wow... a looooong time ago. I don't remember what was it about.
First Music: Huh? Sesame street?
First Car: Can I count the one I drew?
- 7 Lasts
Last Drink: Honeydew Milk
Last Car Ride: In the cab. With mom and dad.
Last Crush: You mean current one too? wahahahahahaha!!
Last Movie Seen: Superman Returns!
Last Phone Call: Eldest brother called..
Last CD played: I can only imagine
- 6 Have You Evers
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: hmm...
Have You Ever Broken the Law: hmm...
Have You Ever Been Arrested: hehe.. no :D
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: as a baby!!
Have You Ever Been on TV: hmm... doesa dream count?
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: on the cheek?
- 5 Things You're Wearing:
1. Pyjamas
2. Pyjamas
3. Pyjamas
4. Pyjamas
5. Pyjamas
- 4 Things I've Done Today:
1. Balloon sculpting
2. eat...ate...eaten
3. drink...drank...drunk
4. blog...blogged...bloggened?
- 3 Things You Can Hear Now:
1. T.V.
2. "I could sing of Your love forever"
3. My back cracking
- 2 Things I Can't Live Without:
1. Air
2. Water
- 1 Thing To Do When You're Bored:
Draw!! Make up silly songs!!...and bully people...?
And for the 5 people:
ms sim
"kor kor"
Posted by Joy at 10:39:00 PM 0 comments
All that I can think of is...
Monday, July 03, 2006
food...Food...and MORE FOOD!!!
I hate the moments when I'm alone.
It's so easy to fall into temptation... the deadly embrace of food!! Waaa!!!
Whenever I walk back home alone, I'd pass by a 24-hr Macdonald's. You won't believe how strong the draw of twister fries are... Hmm.. But so far so good. I haven't succumbed to it yet...
Succumb: To submit to an overpowering force or yield to an overwhelming desire
I wanna say a BIG THANK YOU... to...
All my friends for:
+forgoing their favourite food because of me..and eating rabbit food instead
+who irritate me and make me stick to my diet (actually... it just one particular person)
+are very concerned with my diet and weight
+noticing a "smaller" me!
+the encouraging words.. :D
To my mommy..
She's super supportive! She...
+buys me healthy food!!
+is thinking of buying me an exercise machine
+ cooks me tasty yet healthy meals...
Mom's da best!!!
Posted by Joy at 1:03:00 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Ms Sim made this!! She's really good!! haha... This is the food that made me go down by another kilogram... wahahahahahahahaha!!!
Posted by Joy at 11:31:00 PM 0 comments
Dare You To Move
Monday, June 26, 2006
Dare You To Move-Jonathan Foreman
Welcome to the planet
Welcome to existence
Everyone's here
Everyone's watching you now
Everybody waits for you now
What happens next?
I dare you to move
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
Like today never happened
Today never happened before
Welcome to the fallout
Welcome to resistance
The tension is here
Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be
Maybe redemption has stories to tell
Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell
Where can you run to escape from yourself?
Where you gonna go?
Where you gonna go?
Salvation is here
Posted by Joy at 12:39:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 19, 2006
To engage in excessive or uncontrolled indulgence in food or drink.
Argh.... I binged!!!!
Hmm.. but my weight is still at 74kg...
The diet that I'm on is...getting on my nerves.
An example of it:
Breakfast: Cereal... sometimes without milk
Lunch: Fruits
Dinner: Beehoon soup...sometimes this stage is skipped..
Be it day or night.. I'll dream about food..
This is tough!!
Posted by Joy at 12:04:00 AM 0 comments
I've lost 3kg!!
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Today's the second day I've been on my diet.
I had my first treatment on Friday.. It was pretty embarrassing at first. The staff there are really pleasant though :D They made the rest of the visit really comfortable.
+hand treatment
+mud masque(Chromolite System 3)
+hot blanket(Express Lipo Thalassa Therapy)
It was to reduce water retention. After they wrapped me up... I fell asleep..
Earlier.. when I weighed myself...
Current weight: 74kg
Hmm... hopefully,it ain't all water loss...
Posted by Joy at 10:53:00 PM 1 comments
+marie france bodyline+
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Hi! I'm starting my first session this Friday, 9th June 2006.
Current weight: 77kg!! (severely obese)
Target weight: 60kg..
The nutritionist was SHOCKED at what I've been feeding myself..
Sayonara glorious food...
Posted by Joy at 9:39:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Mommy's sick of looking at me!
Mom: You're soooo FAT!!!
So, instead of makaning this Thursday... she's going to sign me up for some exercise or slimming programme!
I'm excited..
Watch me go into my chrysalis...
And emerge!!!
Posted by Joy at 12:26:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, June 04, 2006
That's emerge with a "d"!!
+1-4 June 2006+
A life-changing experience for many youths (and also young at heart!) *snigger*
Emerge is an annual event held by my church. It's a youth conference held over a period of about 3-4 days. Check it out at http://www.chc.org.sg/emerge/main.cfm !!
This year, there were a total of 21 contests to participate in... Make-up, spelling bee, talentine, sport challenges, xbox...
At every session that I went for, I was completely bowled over! It's an experience that money can't buy.
Many youths broke through their comfort zone. They accomplished things that you'd think only professionals were capable of. Indeed... One should never belittle youths! When I see the standard that these youths have set, it's amazing what they can accomplish in the future :D
In the bible, in the book of Judges 15:4(NKJV)
Then Samson went and caught three hundred foxes; and he took torches, turned the foxes tail to tail, and put a torch between each pair of tails.
Youths are likened to foxes.
Some facts about foxes...
+found in every continent...they adapt easily
+have LARGE ears...hear very well, aware about their environment
+have LONG muzzles...keen sense of smell, ssensitive to the changes around them
+have SHARP visions
+Loud voices
+Swift and Agile
+Cunning...problem solvers
+territorial ambitious( a red fox need at least 8 square kilometres to build its home in)
+good for pest control
+sharp-looking creatures(good-looking!!)
One bad point though...
+WILD and fiercely INDIVIDUALISTIC!! But Samson united the foxes with fire... [fire=Holy Spirit]
I'm a youth... a fox!!
An aspiring prayer warrior for Jesus!!
Posted by Joy at 11:49:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, June 03, 2006
It has been a very very very eventful week!!!
The number of kids doubled.
The excursion to Sentosa.. was life-defying!?
The entire week was me trying to adjust to the holidays that the kids are having.
Super drained..
I wanted to blog, but everytime I reached home, I just want to knock out. The sleep monster has got a strong hold on me. *ARGH*
On Wednesday..
51 kids + 3 adults(2 teachers and 1 really initiative mommy) = chaos?!
Reached at 9.45am. Waited for nearly 2 hours. Can you imagine the squealing of the kids in the background? *argh*
Station 1: Cinemania
It's a virtual reality ride where the whole platform that the audience is sitting on will move vigorously. I think it's to simulate a roller coaster ride?
Outcome: A kid cried.
Went to the washroom at the Orchid Garden. The kids tried to drown a caterpillar... *argh* Scolded them upside down.
Station 2: Sky Tower
Had to walk back to the starting point. Then walk to the visitor arrival centre to take the blue line. Had to split up the kids. Reached the destination in 2 different groups. The passengers on board the blue line complained that my kids are too noisy.. Sigh.. Do you know how to settle them and keep them quiet..? haha.. masking tape?
Outcome: The same kid cried.
Station 3: Luge
This is where everyone was barbequed under the sun.. It's super hot.
I kept the group waiting because I had to change tickets.
The same kid cried again.
Hmm.. but everyone went down in the end!! Fun Fun Fun!!!
One kid banged into the tree. Another overturned. Haha!!
All was safe and sound!
Last station: Sky ride/ Chair lift
This is very dangerous. It's just a metal bench for about 4 people to sit on. The only thing that you can hold on to is a metal bar. This metal bar can be lifted easily too. If you fall off.. *argh* Well.. slippers can fall off too..
Outcome: Quite a few kids had wierd thoughts during the ride and did funny stuff.
+rocking away
+attempts to lift the metal bar
+wanting to be a bird
Thank God.. everyone returned in one piece.
If I had this kind of excursion twice a week, I'd lose soooooo much weight!! Maybe enough to join a beauty pageant? Wahahahahahahahaha!!!
*puking everywhere*
Posted by Joy at 1:46:00 AM 0 comments
double traffic
Monday, May 29, 2006
It's the school holidays!!
That's means... DOUBLE TRAFFIC!!!
Waa!! The number of students seen will be doubled! Noise heard will be doubled! Scoldings doubled...??!
It's a really tiring day, what's more.. we were TWO teachers short!! I salute my colleagues who were there! We fought a great battle.
So.. no missing kids. No major trouble kids. All kids had their meals! Those who were supposed to bathe bathed. :D
Ganbatte!! (ganbatte=persevering!!) Aiya.. my blog doesn't reflect the Japanese characters..why?!
After this June holidays.. It's gonna be different. One of my colleagues is leaving!! *sob sob*
She's my most treasured..
+makan buddy!
+resident psychologist too!!
+mommy(coz she calls me "the baby")
Thank you for all the great times!! I'm gonna miss you sooo much!!
Posted by Joy at 8:01:00 PM 0 comments
my name!!??
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Q | Quality |
U | Unusual |
E | Earthy |
K | Kinky |
L | Little |
I | Industrious |
N | New |
L | Little |
I | Inspirational |
N | Nerdy |
G | Gloomy |
J | Judicial |
U | Unnatural |
D | Dysfunctional |
Y | Young |
J | Judicial |
O | Organic |
Y | Yucky |
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
Haha!! Me... yucky..?
"approving nods*
Posted by Joy at 2:52:00 PM 0 comments
makan finale!!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
My Indonesian relatives came back on Thursday. A total of 4 stayed at my place.
Supper was at Roti Prata House!
Honey paper prata...that's what dreams are made of!
On Friday, met up Huimin and Adeline.
Our initial plan was to go to Eski Bar...
Hmm.. we ended up at New Asia Bar instead.
Pub->no dancing. just drink and chat.
Club->dancing everywhere!! drink! too noisy to chat!!
When I went there, the place looked really familiar..Ahh.. I've been there!
By day, it's a cafe...Equinox...
At night...a club.
Huimin was very afraid that I'd be uncomfortable.
Haha.. after flashing my megawatt smile, she's finally assured that I'm alright.
It's interesting though to see the people unwinding themselves..
The various ways they dance
+carefree (they move all over the floor)
+uptight (vibrating in one position)
+sexy!! (no need to explain la!)
I used to think that a club is sleazy and nothing else. Hmm.. It's different now.
The toilet is beautiful.. there was a lot of room for...puking? Haha.. It's oriental. Nice!
When we left the club, my voice was hoarse..I breathed in too much second hand smoke! I became a passive smoker..
+makan finale+
Bak ku teh wrapped up the entire experience..
My stomach's sooo satisfied this week!!
Posted by Joy at 10:43:00 PM 0 comments
mission impossible??
Friday, May 26, 2006
After Lau Pa Sat..
Decided to send Tom off on the way home..
Went on a frantic search for him on Messenger and email. He's found!!
Gave him the details.. to call Abel because I was uncontactable. ( I work underground... sigh... no reception)
+The next day+
I boarded the cab.. en route to Changi Airport Terminal 1.
On the way, listened to my voice mails..
Voicemail: Judy, when you've received my message, give me a call. (from Abel)
Me: Ya..?
A: Tom didn't call.. at all.
Me: What?! I'm on the cab..halfway there...
So stranded.. I don't know whether to go..
I went... and found Tom!!
It's my fault.. I gave Tom the wrong number. But he called too late too :D Hehe.. It's not entirely my fault la. Opps..
His friends from DTC were there to send him and another Indian lady off. I was all alone.. sooo awkward..
Hmm.. I didn't cry.. Abel and Sam thought I would.
I miss him.. Perhaps, we'll meet in Japan or States :D
Posted by Joy at 12:59:00 AM 0 comments
makan part 2
+Lau Pa Sat+
+Tom's the photographer!+
Ooo... there was sooo much food... The crowd's larger!
I think my stomach's gonna burst..
+Tom & Abel... during the meal+
They were too bloated to fit in the frame after the meal :D (just kidding)
Yea... we feasted yea...
+bak ku teh
+kway chap
+shell fish..? lala...?
+sting ray (fire-spewing!!)
+fried youtiao
+chickee wings!
+indian rojak
Wash it all down with...teh tarik!
And also end it off with dessert!!
Onaka yiiiiiiii...pai!! Hmm... It means, I'm very full??
We tried in vain to take a cab home after the feast. In vain... No cab wanted to pick us up!!
We took the train instead... Sayonara Tom!!
Posted by Joy at 12:38:00 AM 0 comments
makan part 1
Monday, May 22, 2006
+chomp chomp+
Abel and I brought Tom to chomp chomp!
Hehe.. It was Abel's treat.. Well, the next day would be my treat!
Initially, we wanted Tom to try the satay beehoon, but the stall wasn't open..
We ordered a lot!!!+food glorious food+
+fried oyster egg
+sting ray...super spicy!!
+chee cheong fun and the yam counterpart
+chwee kueh
+ngoh hiang
+glutinous rice... green and sweet
+red bean dumpling
Haha! In the end.. Tom brought home most of the dessert.. Abel was the one who insisted.
And Tom's most wanted drink!! Sugarcane juice. He has been craving for it since he touched down in Singapore. Haha, wish granted.
We had quite some food left over... Abel suggested playing the number game. Wahahahahaha!! Abel ended up eating most of the food! Well... He should! He's soooo skinny!!+Tom & me+
That's my hand!! Wanted to point at his face and do something silly. I'm glad I didn't. :D
Next stop!! Lau Pa Sat!!
Posted by Joy at 11:22:00 PM 0 comments
craving satisfied!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
I've officially satisfied my twister fries craving :D
Thanks to my bro!
Wahahahaha.. He bought me Mcwings meal with twister fries! He gave me his share of twister fries too..
I'm completely filled to the brim... with twister fries.
Posted by Joy at 9:27:00 PM 0 comments
I don't know what title to put.. so... dunno lah!
I just watched Da Vinci Code last night. Heh.. It's a work of fiction.
I don't know why so many people are going ga-ga over it.
It's a pretty engaging movie though.
It was a FOOD day yesterday..
We brought Tom out to eat prata.. haha! Actually it's satisfying my craving for honey paper prata.
Then walked...walked...walked.. (because we met up at 3pm and the movie will only start at 8pm. It's my fault...)
Then we had haagen diaz fondue..
You know... all my post party desires are granted in the span of a day... wahahahahahaha!!!
Posted by Joy at 8:29:00 PM 0 comments
it's over!!
Friday, May 19, 2006
I just reached home..
I finished my paper last night! It was a breeze! Wahahahaha... Kudos to my tutor and my lecturer! There were many questions that they emphasized that came out!
After the paper, I saw Huimin and Adeline (hmm.. I'm not sure if I spelled it correctly)
Me: Hungry?
H: A little..
Me: Are you working tomorrow?
H: No..
Well, we were well on our way to Holland Village. Yippee!
*boarded the wrong bus
*alighted at the wrong stop
*had a mini night hike
*tortured the two girls with my singing... wahahahahaha
Despite the mishaps we had on the way.. Our spirits were high!
I saw Eski Bar... A very cold place.
Made a mental note to visit there :D
+stomach growled+
A: What do you want to eat?
Me: Anything?
+Crystal Jade+
Wow! Crystal Jade closes at 3am over there..
Oooh... food glorious food!!
*mango pudding with condensed milk (This has real bits of mango in it! Absolutely heavenly!)
*yang zhou fried rice
*ha gao (shrimp dumpling)
*fish congee
*fried shrimp paste chicken wings
*deep fried beancurd skin (super super flavourful!)
I was soooooooo satisfied..Ahh...
Headed to Eski bar..
Waitress: Sorry! We've closed our last order..
I'm going there next friday! Haha..It's soooo cold and nice there..
So the three of us headed to 7-eleven, bought drinks and Pocky!
At the newly furnished food centre, we sat there and chit chatted till the next morning..
I've never stayed out the whole night at a food centre. Haha..
Actually there were a lot of funny details in the conversation..but..I can't remember what they were.
I guess I didn't encode the information into my long term memory. (Remember the chapter on memory)
Wahahahaha!! I knew it was fun and also I am on leave today! Woo-hoo! This makes everything so much more enjoyable... hehe..
At about 6am.. We took bus 106 to Clementi. Macdonald's breakfast!!
+Home Sweet Home+
Posted by Joy at 8:33:00 AM 0 comments
*makan makan*
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
*ring ring*
Me: Hello?
T: Judy?
+Tom is back!+
He was at Junction 8 and needed a hi-card. Hmm.. I figured, I should meet him and help him get one.
Ohh.. It was my first time buying a hi-card *blush*
I didn't know how to get it, but my brother told me to buy it from 7-eleven.
+At the counter+
Cashier: 1st time user?
Me: Yup...*completely clueless*
Cashier: You'd need to register. Your i/c please..
Me: Huh? *blank*
+ took out my i/c+
Argh.. It showed a 12-year old picture of me!
Cashier looked at it in disbelief..
Me: That's me..(to the cashier)
Cashier: That's cute..
+I covered Tom's eyes.. So embarrassing!+
Cashier: $8 please.
Tom footed the bill...naturally, since it's his... haha..
We've got a cool deal! The card has a stored value of $10! :D
T: Judy, where can I find cheap sandals? *pointing to his slippers*
Me: Ermm... mini toons?
+At mini toons+
Hello Kitty slippers...?
Me: Let's go search at ntuc..
T: Ntuc...?
Me: It's a supermarket..
T: Let's do it later..
Me: You're hungry..?
+He nodded+
Ooh.. The prawn noodles at bishan interchange at S11 is absolutely heavenly!
They have chilli powder for you to add in your soup.. Yummy!!
Amazing discovery!
The prawn shells can be eaten.. Actually they can, just that I haven't tried it yet.
Usually, I'd eat the fried ones that are crispy.
I looked into Tom's bowl.. the shells are missing!!
Me: where are the shells?
+He pointed to his stomach+
He ate them!!
Posted by Joy at 8:52:00 PM 0 comments
i was telling you..
Your Hair Should Be Pink |
Hyper, insane, and a boatload of fun. You're a traveling party that everyone loves to follow. |
See!! I've always wanted this hair colour...
Not the whole head but just a little
Any sponsors?
Posted by Joy at 1:52:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
My exam is on Thursday 18th May...
Gee.. that means I have 1 whole full day to do some last minute mugging!
Posted by Joy at 10:36:00 PM 0 comments
charlie chaplin-table ballet
hehe.. I was just browsing..
Hmm... me? An aspiring Charlie Chaplin??
Posted by Joy at 10:11:00 PM 0 comments
I'm waiting.. waiting.. for my student that's not here yet..
Will she come?
It's my exam tomorrow! Yippee!!
I'm going to hold a huge celebration.. throw a twister fries party!!
And Tsutomu is coming back tomorrow too!
So excited!!
Posted by Joy at 4:20:00 PM 0 comments
the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Haha.. an anime I look forward to! hmm.... It has a pretty funny story line.
Check out this link!
Posted by Joy at 1:41:00 AM 0 comments
I sprained my back while I was asleep. It has been three days.. the agony..
How does one sprain one's back while asleep...? Mysterious..
On the way home earlier, I was singing :D
Haha.. I spread my arms and walked a distance, oblivious to my surroundings. *embarrassed* *paiseh*
+listen to my song+
I wanna soar
Soar above the mountains
Soar across the oceans
High up
I wanna soar
Soar through the darkness
Soar through the sea
Of criticisms
Spread my wings a little
A little
Taking flight
I wanna soar
My dream of great heights
Within my reach
I wanna soar
+ooh... that was my song!!+
Hehe.. I dunno why and how these lyrics popped up..?
Posted by Joy at 12:47:00 AM 0 comments
ooh..many changes..
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Alright, not that many. Just two?
Went to Sentosa on friday with two primary school mates.
Beforehand, my colleague was sharing on "How to get the perfect golden tan?"
Step 1: Bathe.. be very clean.
Step 2: Apply a generous amount of tanning oil/lotion on all uncovered areas. (the face too???)
Step 3: Go under the sun for 15 minutes.
Step 4: Then fully immerse in the sea....
Step 5: Dry oneself and apply another thin layer of tanning oil/lotion all over.
Step 6: Continue tanning
Step 7: Shower thoroughly.
Step 8: Apply and rub in Johnson's baby lotion all over.
Now...I've got the "perfect" tan.
Wahahahaha... so far so good.. my skin's itchy but not peeling :D
I've got a new haircut too!!
Go to Jeniva Hair Saloon at Far East! Hee.. It's an interesting place..
I think it's on the 4th floor.
Happy hunting!
Posted by Joy at 7:24:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Is it time to take the plunge...?
To change, for better or for worst?
It's all so frustrating...!!!!
Posted by Joy at 12:02:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 08, 2006
My sis-in-law is undergoing chemotherapy for her cancer.
I don't know at which stage, but bro told me that everything's pretty much in control.
She wears a wig, and today was the first time I saw her without it.
+my inner thoughts+
Wow! Nice head shape!
She looks really cool especially with her new frames.
A totally cool futuristic look!
+back to reality+
I guess it takes lots of courage to show your true self. There's a lot of stigma attached, but.. she overcame :D
She's a conquerer.. having gone through operations..
Now that she's in the midst of her exams, she works even harder!
I admire her courage.. her perseverance. It's awesome!!
Posted by Joy at 11:39:00 PM 0 comments
A gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break: “We are likely to be disconcerted by... hiatuses of thought” (Edmund Wilson).
Yes... a "well" deserved break!
Pauline set off for China, Jinan at 4.20 am.
Jason, Raymond(not N41 leh..), Jingying, Hexun and me.. We stayed through till the next morning.
After Pauline left..
Alas.. only Hexun and me didn't sleep. The rest took a snooze.
Jingying: Brought work and gave the students marks that were too generous
Jason: Woke up from his snooze and read.. read..read.. about Japanese and their lifestyle..(cheem!! as usual)
Raymond: Snooze all the way...zzzz...zzz..zz..z...
When all woke up finally at about 6.00am
Contemplating to have breakfast..
Stood at the counter.. blur as can be. The staff at the counter must have had a hard time getting the orders out from us.
On the journey to the MRT.. Changi
+Home sweet home+
Brain was awake but body was overcomed with fatigue
Woke up.. read the papers..slept some more..
Had lunch.
A bowl of instant noodles
Studied.. slept..
Had dinner.
2 taiwanese sausages
Haha.. Perhaps I could lose some weight with such a diet. I can't believe I ate so little..
Posted by Joy at 12:22:00 AM 0 comments
*squawk*...tea-cher judy!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Last night..
Walked out of my workplace.. soo defeated..
Sigh.. why is it that this bunch of 10-year-olds.. they're sooo ill-disciplined!!?
Seriously, why am I so affected by them? ( that is one of the trigger as to why I wanna change job..)
Nearly every lesson I have with them leaves me soo drained.. Argh!!
Went to hougang to visit some kids.
As I was walking towards the house..*squeals! screams! running stumbling!*
*knock knock*
hahaha.. the kids screamed as I screamed...
Kids: Teacher Judy!! Teacher Judy!! Come in... play...!!!
Parrot: *squawk*...tea-cher judy!
I was promptly dragged into their house.. playing their game..
Haha.. when was the last time I played this game..? When I was in primary school.
It's fun!!
Kids: Mr Wolf.. what time is it?
Me: One o'clock(move 1 step)
Kids: Mr Wolf.. what time is it?
Me: Twelve o'clock(move 12 steps)
...drawing nearer..
Kids: Mr Wolf.. what time is it?
haha.. and I ate up one of the kids (metaphorically)
As I left the house...
Parrot: *squawk*...tea-cher judy!
Posted by Joy at 10:09:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 04, 2006
It was yet another "gastronomic" adventure..hmm.. today was more like a misadventure.
Anyway, amidst the misadventure.. me, my bro and mommy were in a very interesting conversation..
B: This morning.. when you went out, did you notice anything?
Me: Huh..? Cockroach?
+B shakes head+
B: Granny said she saw someone snapping pictures of you when you left the house.
Me & Mom: Oooohh...
Mom: See la! Always come home late.. Now, someone's stalking you! You better come home early!
+Now I wonder if all this is a ploy..+
Mom: Our neighbourhood is so quiet somemore.. sigh..
Hmm.. a stalker? Sounds so theatrical! hehe...
The food is really really really not appealing. *ack ack*
I miss honey paper prata.
Posted by Joy at 9:12:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Q: What are you working as?
A: A clown!! Wahahahahahaha..
Hmm.. Do you believe?
I really want to be a clown. It's a secret desire.. (now, it's an open secret!)
To draw.. handicraft is my passion! I'm super duper quiet when I'm at it.. It's a rare sight for many :D
Today, I received a call..
*ring ring*
Me: Hello.. SM?
SM:Judy, are you interested to be a trainer? *details..details..*
Me: ...
It's about angel clay. It's a kind of sculpting clay that is non-greasy.. non-stick. It's really easy to work with. During children's church last week, the children had a hand at angel clay. The kids were delighted! I'm delighted too! My kids had some left over clay, so they passed it to me. On the way home, I used the clay to make..
+teddy bear
and the clay ran out..
Sigh.. how I wished I was available..
It'll be like a dream come true! Doing all the fun stuff and being paid for it!
Hmm.. should I...?
Posted by Joy at 8:58:00 PM 0 comments
going around in circles
6.30am. *alarm rings!*
Jumped out of bed(pretty rare..)
Soon after, I boarded the bus and was off to work.
Dozed off during the journey and missed the drop off point!! ( by 5 bus stops!!)
Alighted and crossed the overhead bridge. Took another bus back.. late for work.
After work, I boarded bus 74. I supposed to alight at Dover mrt station and take a train to church.
Sigh... fell asleep.. missed the stop and found myself at Buona Vista.
Took a cab that went by AYE...( I thought I was lost!!)
Finally reached church.. Prayer meeting!!
After supper, Jeremy dropped me and Jason at Clementi.
I crossed the road, took bus 52.
Fell asleep..
Awoke! I'm at Jurong East... Argh.. I took the wrong direction.
Sigh.. Waited for bus 52 at the interchange.
It's the same driver... wonder if he recognises me. He greets everyone! Wow!
Finally.. I caught the last feeder bus home.. Thank God..
I should sleep early.. I don't want to go in circles anymore!!
Posted by Joy at 1:15:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 01, 2006
I'm in the toilet. Detoxifying!
Wahahahaha!! After drinking mommy's specially made lime juice.. my bowels started working very hard.
Mommy came home earlier and exclaimed..
Mom: You're swollen!!
Me: Huh?
Mom: You're not ordinarily fat, you're exceptionally swollen!
Ooo... sigh...
Mom: I wonder what the doctor will say.. probably transfer you to the cosmetics department (supposedly liposuction)
Me:hmm..hmm..hmm..(eating the kfc meal mommy just bought)
Mommy proceeded to stare hard at me. Geez.. I can't do anything(lose weight immediately) even if you stare hard at me :D
Haha.. Mom's pretty adorable. She'd buy me good good good food then urge me to finish it. After that, a guilt trip I think, she'd lament about how fat I am. Then...groanings..groanings..groanings from dearest mommy.
Actually.. I just wanna say.. I miss honey paper prata!!
Whenever it's nearing exams, I'd be stressed. Well, who wouldn't?
I'd have strange desires..
+dye/highlight/cut my hair
+food glorious food!
+getting a huge backpack...preferably white with pink and black mickey mouse heads all over it!
Hmm.. the last desire.. the backpack is from my fantasy. It doesn't exist yet.
If you see one as how I've describe, let me know :D
Have a break, have a honey paper prata!
Posted by Joy at 7:15:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, my rest day.. sabbath.
After busing the kids to church, I set off to Woodlands National Library.. to do the impossible.
I was there to study with... ... ... SHIRLEY!!
Our previous attempts to study failed terribly. Though I was pretty hesitant about the appointment, I went ahead well prepared.
Contents of my bag
+jacket (brrr...)
+waterbottle (also dubbed brain juice!)
Despite a few hiccups before actual studying started.. We studied for 2 hours!!!! We did it!!
Study= no chit chatting/playing/fooling around
It's a great achievement!
Posted by Joy at 4:18:00 PM 0 comments
Thursdays... The day of food! GLORIOUS FOOD!!
Every thursday, by default.. is my mommy's day off from work.
So, every thursday, mommy and bro would pick me up from my workplace.
Off we went to gourmet summits!!
Last Thursday was very special!
Mommy had to work but that didn't deter us from our gastronomic adventure!
Supper it shall be!
It was our second time there..
The Roti Prata House
246 m & 246 K
Upper Thomson Road
Singapore 574370
Tel: 64595260
E-mail: ikbal@singnet.com.sg
The best news is this place is open 24 hours!!
They serve..
+mee goreng
+mutton soup
+nasi bryani
+nasi goreng
+prata of all kinds!!! and many many more!!
Hmm.. I'm considering.. to hold a birthday celebration there!!
I love the food there!! Woo-hoo!!
Posted by Joy at 12:16:00 AM 0 comments
sets of 20
Thursday, April 27, 2006
My clothes are getting tighter!
I can't fit into my jeans( without taking a long deep deep deep breath...*phew*)
After going out with kor kor last night was pretty "motivated" to do something about it. So, what triggered that "motivation"?
Me:Ooi, guess what's my weight..? *snigger*
Ahhh!! I must look super big..humongous..Waaaa!!!
So, immediately after I reached home.
I caught a glance of myself in the mirror..Ahh!! Big stomach! I tried sucking it in but to no avail.
Now, it's the launch of sets of 20!
Sit ups/Crunches: I did 6 sets.
Dumbell for both arms: I did 3 sets.
So painful, my arms.. Surprisingly, my stomach's doing pretty well..
I wanna fit into my jeans without breathing in!
Sets of 20... here I come!!
Posted by Joy at 2:17:00 AM 0 comments
*scratch scratch*
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
My throat's really itchy ( the insides..)
*scratch scratch*
I can't reach it!!
On Sunday.. I went to East Coast Park for a barbecue with the cell group. Hmm.. I did quite a bit of barbecuing.
The food that turned out came from all sorts of places!
From Japan... The raw wings( so white, so raw, it's dripping blood!!) Basically they were the undercooked ones..
From Bangladesh... So charred were the food, many deemed them cancerous if eaten. Sigh... They were really charred... ( Nearly all were my creation.. opps!)
And hailing from Joy's world, perfectly grilled wings. Juice oozing out with every bite. (yea.. in my fantasy world..)
It was a wonderful lesson to be learnt. Cook also must plan lah!! Anyhow.. anyhow... aiyo...
I think I breathed in too much smoke. My throat's irritating me...
On Monday, which was yesterday. I had my last lecture in school just before exams. The final showdown on the 17th of May 2006. That was the last time Smiley drove me home too ( I guess..) Hehe.. Thank you for the chocolates, but Smiley, you still owe me a tonne of dark dark chocolate!! Woo-hoo!!
Today, went to watch Sentinel with kor kor. Gee, I need an outlet, I'm gonna burst under the stress!! Study.. Work..Study..Work..!!
Sentinel is a GREAT show!! But do empty your bladder before watching. It's adrenaline pumping.. My bladder was super full and i didn't want to go to the washroom because I didn't want to miss any part of it. Hehe!! I made it!!
*scratch scratch*
It's back to work.. study... work...
Posted by Joy at 12:07:00 AM 0 comments
Easter-The resurrection power
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Easter- the day when Jesus Christ resurrected.
The resurrection power of Jesus..
+Has the power to cancel our past
John 3:17 (New King James Version)
For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
Jeremiah 31:34 (New King James Version)
No more shall every man teach his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they all shall know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them, says the LORD. For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”
+Has the power to conquer our problems
Q: What are you going to do with your problems?
A: Trust God!
Faith and fear doesn't go well together, choose one!
+Has the power to change our personality
You and I would not become a perfect being overnight. Being a Christian empowers us to change (for the better!).
Do you know...?
The tomb of Jesus is empty!! He is resurrected and alive!
Posted by Joy at 12:19:00 AM 0 comments
Easter Bunny clucks!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Hehe.. Bunny clucks really well!
Posted by Joy at 11:11:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 14, 2006
The spots have stopped increasing!!
I'm clear! I'm clear!!
Posted by Joy at 2:09:00 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 13, 2006
I've got dotted-phobia.
Posted by Joy at 10:53:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
These 2 days...have been very tense.
Due to the recent HFMD scare..
Checks on the children, on myself were conducted everyday..nearly every hour.
Every spot spotted, every ulcer sent shivers down my/everyone's spine(s).
Fear gripped me.
2 Tim 1:7
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
I confess that!
Posted by Joy at 11:04:00 PM 0 comments
Rhema-the spoken word
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Romans 8
v28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who are the called according to the purpose.
v29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethen.
v30 Moreover who He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.
Posted by Joy at 12:33:00 AM 0 comments
The child is found!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Remember the little boy I mentioned before?
I think he's found a friend/support/comfort in me..?
Last week, after tuition. He was frantically searching.. rummaging through the centre.
Me: Boy, what are you searching for?
Boy: A card...
Me: What kind of card?
Boy: A game card..
Me: Kids, go help Boy look for his card.
Then I proceeded to pack my bag and was preparing to leave.. when...
Me: Why are you sitting there all alone? You alright?
Boy shrugged.
I called for a search for all the existing bags and "cubby holes"=lockers.
The card was nowhere to be found.
Me: Recall.. where was it last seen..
He recalled..
+on the phone+
Me: Hi, is xxx there? xxx, do you happen to have Boy's card?
xxx: ...hmm...
Me: If you do, return it back to him because it's precious to him.
A long pause.. phone was cut off..
Eventually, the card was returned to the rightful owner.
Boy: Thank you Ms Quek.
Gee, that meant soo much to me!! :D
Posted by Joy at 12:51:00 AM 0 comments
An infinite number of chocolate tarts!!
I'm stressed too!!
Mug... mug.. mug...
Pamper me with chocolate when you see me yeah?!
Haha.. any kind of delectable cuisine will do too!!
Posted by Joy at 12:30:00 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Smiley wasn't smiley today...
Smiley morphed into a Stress ball.
Exams are just around the corner. That's why Smiley's stressed.
During the ride home, there was an awkward silence initially. Usually Smiley starts the conversation. Today, he was very quiet..
+in joy's lab+
surgically open up Smiley's brain.
...transferring data..
transfer complete!
sew up Smiley's head.
He's all ready for the exams!
+back to reality+
If only it was that simple..
Smiley.. you can do it!!
Posted by Joy at 12:12:00 AM 0 comments
The Art Of Star Wars
Sunday, April 02, 2006
After breakfast at Chinatown..
Brother: You wanna go to the Star Wars exhibition?
Me: Wait.. I need to wait for email..
Me: I'm done!! Let's go!
Soon we were on our way to the Singapore Science Centre.
Bro bought a book that had all the pictures in the exhibition. It came along with 2 free tickets!!
We were in!!
No Flash!!
You know why?
Bro told me so that the people couldn't take very nice photos. Then they would consider buying the same book he bought..
Hmm.. ponder..ponder..
Who do you call.. when you wanna destroy a planet?
Call D-E-A-T-H-S-T-A-R!!
(sing to the tune of the ghostbuster song)
I wanted to protect planets too!! So I was sent to..
We had vigorous training..
And also a case of mistaken identity..
But.. I met my heros there!!
Sigh.. I wasn't fit enough.. I was cast out of the Jedi Gym..
Later on, bro treated me to burger king!!! Haha.. He must have spent a bomb on me today!!
Thank You Kor Kor!!
Posted by Joy at 10:39:00 PM 0 comments
A day of blessings
Last night..
Mom: Girl, are you going out tomorrow?
Me: No. I'll be at home..
Mom: I'm starting work late tomorrow. I'll be having breakfast with daddy. You wanna come along?
Me: Yes!!
Brother: Wake up!! Dad's waiting for us downstairs!
I jumped out of bed..washed up..changed.
Me: Hurry!!
Strange.. my brother took his own sweet time. When we were downstairs..
Brother: Dad's still at Tampines(very far off)
+gee.. you should have said earlier..+
We went to Chinatown.. Yum Cha!!
It was dim sum for breakfast!! Sumptuous!!
Posted by Joy at 10:28:00 PM 0 comments
He Heals!!
Rev. Dr. Richard Roberts came. He is gifted in the healing ministry.
It was a tremendous time! Healing broke forth everywhere during the service.
Joy: Auntie, are you ready? I'm on the way to your house.
Auntie: oh.. You've got to wait for a while. The maid is on her way to deliver food..
When I reached.. It was raining.. And we waited..and waited..
Child: This maid will always take very very very long to reach...
I prayed. God! Give her wings! Let her come here at lightning speed!
Soon, after I prayed. She reached!! Thank God!
Along the way, auntie was pretty alright.
She told me that she'd feel giddy if she sat for too long or travelled too long.
During the service, I was translating most of it into chinese for her because the transistor set ran out. I really thank God for putting those chinese words into my head.
When Rev. Richard Roberts started to name those illnesses that were being healed. I laid hands on auntie.
Throughout the service, eventhough she sat for 2 whole hours, she was alright.
After the service, her 2 kids wanted to shop around. So, we walked and shopped for about 45mins.
Then her child told me..
Child: Mommy would start gasping for air when she's in an air-conditioned place.
Thinking back.. the taxi ride, the service, the shopping. Indeed, God heals!! These were all air conditioned places. Auntie is on the process of healing.
Also.. I want to thank Simon for being there, for accompanying us throughout the service! I really appreciate it!
This word.. P.U.S.H came to my mind.
Let's be prayer warriors for God!!
Posted by Joy at 8:55:00 PM 0 comments
Shall we dance?
Saturday, April 01, 2006
The last person who danced reminded me of a body contortionist.
A contortioninst: One who contorts, especially an acrobat capable of twisting into extraordinary positions.
It's really out of the ordinary.. WOW!!
Posted by Joy at 2:27:00 AM 0 comments
I ripped this from my friend's blog.. totally cool...
Posted by Joy at 2:15:00 AM 0 comments
"bemoanings" of singlehood
Thursday, March 30, 2006
S: Your kid is already 7 years old! And you're so young..
R: Aiya.. Young meh? No lah..
Me: How old were you when you got married?
R: Now.. I'm 27..
Me: Waa! So young!!
+S gave Me a SHARP nudge+
Me: What am I doing here..(wails)
Actually I'm pretty young (that's what I choose to believe)
My colleagues call me the 'baby' because I'm the youngest. (I think I act like one sometimes..most of the time..?)
I love children.. In fact, right now, at this moment.. I'm thinking about my kids( I didn't give birth to them!)
Do you still remember..? My dream of a dozen? Haha.. I was inspired by this movie "Cheaper by the Dozen"
It was about this family who had 12 kids!! And their lifestyle is incredible. Seeing how mommy and daddy handle the squabbles...food..SPACE!! I was totally bowled over.
S: So.. when's your turn?
Me: Me?! Never.. I guess..(wails)
R: What sort are you looking for? Mickey mouse? Pooh Bear?
Me: Both!
R: Shrek la..
Me: Eeeee....
Seriously, I've given this some thought. I'm young.. Really young. Not just physically, but mentally as well.
Am I able to shoulder the responsibility of another person?
I'm not even financially stable...
Do I have what it takes to start a family? (opps.. I'm thinking too far)
Mommy's really pressurising me a lot.. Gee.. What am I supposed to do?
It's not like you can go to the market and haggle and take the best catch home.
Mom's deadline: End of 2006
I don't think so..(in fact it might be a never..)
Argh..!!! I don't need this to drive me nuts. I'm already pretty nutty myself..
...when I do grow up, it might finally be my turn...
Posted by Joy at 11:28:00 PM 0 comments
Ain't that word frightening?
It stunts growth.
Kills ideas.
Causes retardation.
Now, it's frightening.
Haha.. (scream!!)
I work with kids, mix around with them more than 12 hours everyday(weekdays)!!
Kids are amazing. You know, a little encouragement goes a looooooooonng way for them.
Kids don't find it hard to believe.. they believe whatever dreams that you present. It's do-a-ble!
Now..what about me?
I went through a pretty rigorous education system.. I fought the battle of books!! examinations!! I have my battle scars to show. It was supposed to toughen me up!
But.. my heart was filled with limitations.. boundaries..
Isn't it always so often to hear
"DON'T do that! You'll hurt yourself!"
"DON'T do this! You're gonna get into trouble."
I hear so many DON'Ts..
These DON'Ts..they form the boundaries that we aren't supposed to cross. (hmm..supposed?)
I want to be a kid again! Impossibilities shouldn't exist!
So.. next time..
When you see a kid, DO encourage the little child and say,"You can DO it!"
Posted by Joy at 12:46:00 AM 0 comments
Panic attacks!?
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Ever wondered what life was like before mobile phones invaded planet Earth?
Below is an adaptation of a conversation I had today.
R: Oh no.. My handphone no batt..
J: It's okie, I'll lend you mine.
Exchange of phones. R left.
For the next few hours(approximately 6 hours).. It felt like bliss at first, then anxiety started to set in.
+sweaty palms
+incoherent thoughts
+unable to concentrate
+constant worrying
I can't believe it, I had my mommy's phone with me. I felt uneasy just because I didn't have my own phone. The familarity of using that model..
Many a times, I'm dwelling in familarity. Once in a while.. I'll stick my head out of my shell
(and perhaps do something different)
During service last night, Pastor preached about being a LINE-crosser!!
We're called to cross over all kinds of barriers..
The shortest route to being accepted in a crowd is conformity(but that's hardly exciting at all!)
Take a swimming pool for example. The shallow end is where we'd find the crowd(young..old..small..huge..)
The shallow end is designed for low risk. For those who want to play it safe.
Now.. The deep end is designed for HIGH risk. You won't find many people there. It's easy to get hurt there...It's where ALL the FUN is!!
There are 5 lines to cross..
+The line of the UNKNOWN
Sometimes if you're not willing to try the ridiculous, you'll not experience the miraculous!
+The line of COMFORT
You won't give up your present until you've seen a GREATER future!
+The line of the IMPOSSIBLE
"God delights in impossibility"-Charles Spurgeon
Often.. there'd be more negative than positive remarks.. when we've decided to cross the line.
+The line of the PULL OF THE WORLD
Your faith will make their fears obvious.
The further you cross, the weaker the pull of the world!
An excitinig new world awaits.. Be a line crosser!!
Hehe.. That was my line of comfort earlier in the day :D
Posted by Joy at 9:01:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Have you ever had a friend who'd make you smile everytime you meet?
Especially those times when you find it so hard to do just that.
It's amazing what a little gesture can do to make a person's day.
Yea.. I'm still thinking of the lost child.. but I thank God that I've found a joy giver.
I finally laughed! Felt so much lighter..
Thank you Joy-giver.. it's infectious!
Posted by Joy at 1:22:00 AM 0 comments
A Lost Child
Kids.. they are my passion and joy.
Today, I totally lost it. I broke down while lecturing a kid.
Does he understand? Felt so helpless.. seeing him going down to the pits.
He is a talent, everything a parent could dream of.. until dad passed away..
He changed, took a turn for the worse...
After months of ignoring.. scolding.. counselling..
I burst!
I scolded him, asked him why?
How could I help you?
Can you confide in me?
Can I be your friend?
I couldn't bring myself to speak to him. There was nothing I could do to help.
Who'd see those tears?
Posted by Joy at 1:03:00 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 24, 2006
I did it!!
Finally figured out how to use this blogskin...
Welcome to Joy's world!!!
Posted by Joy at 12:57:00 AM 0 comments
Joy To The World!!!
Let me sing you a song..
J-O-Y!! J-O-Y!!
Jokety Oinkety Yea!
Jokety Oinkety Yippety Yea!
Posted by Joy at 12:18:00 AM 0 comments