A "Brand-New" Laptop

Sunday, October 08, 2006

D: Eww.. Your laptop is brown.. What did you do to it?

Me: Nothing.

D: Precisely. Go and clean it.

My brother whipped out his cleaning foam and cloth (machiam... I only heard of shaving foam lor..)

D: You know how to use?

Me: No... ??? Know?

D: Shake the bottle. Spray and wipe in circular motions.

I wiped... and did a whole lot more.

D: Aiyo... how can you wipe the touch pad so hard? Machiam.. Your laptop won't last for the next 5 years.

Aiya.. I dunno how to wipe properly la! I promptly gave up. Gave him back the bottle of foam.

Well... after much cajoling.. I was back to wiping individual keys.

TA-DAH!!! A "brand new" laptop!!!