sets of 20

Thursday, April 27, 2006


My clothes are getting tighter!

I can't fit into my jeans( without taking a long deep deep deep breath...*phew*)

After going out with kor kor last night was pretty "motivated" to do something about it. So, what triggered that "motivation"?

Me:Ooi, guess what's my weight..? *snigger*


Ahhh!! I must look super big..humongous..Waaaa!!!

So, immediately after I reached home.

I caught a glance of myself in the mirror..Ahh!! Big stomach! I tried sucking it in but to no avail.

Now, it's the launch of sets of 20!

Sit ups/Crunches: I did 6 sets.

Dumbell for both arms: I did 3 sets.

So painful, my arms.. Surprisingly, my stomach's doing pretty well..

I wanna fit into my jeans without breathing in!

Sets of 20... here I come!!