Sunday, June 04, 2006

That's emerge with a "d"!!

+1-4 June 2006+

A life-changing experience for many youths (and also young at heart!) *snigger*

Emerge is an annual event held by my church. It's a youth conference held over a period of about 3-4 days. Check it out at http://www.chc.org.sg/emerge/main.cfm !!

This year, there were a total of 21 contests to participate in... Make-up, spelling bee, talentine, sport challenges, xbox...

At every session that I went for, I was completely bowled over! It's an experience that money can't buy.

Many youths broke through their comfort zone. They accomplished things that you'd think only professionals were capable of. Indeed... One should never belittle youths! When I see the standard that these youths have set, it's amazing what they can accomplish in the future :D

In the bible, in the book of Judges 15:4(NKJV)

Then Samson went and caught three hundred foxes; and he took torches, turned the foxes tail to tail, and put a torch between each pair of tails.

Youths are likened to foxes.

Some facts about foxes...
+found in every continent...they adapt easily
+have LARGE ears...hear very well, aware about their environment
+have LONG muzzles...keen sense of smell, ssensitive to the changes around them
+have SHARP visions
+Loud voices
+Swift and Agile
+Cunning...problem solvers
+territorial ambitious( a red fox need at least 8 square kilometres to build its home in)
+good for pest control
+sharp-looking creatures(good-looking!!)
One bad point though...
+WILD and fiercely INDIVIDUALISTIC!! But Samson united the foxes with fire... [fire=Holy Spirit]

I'm a youth... a fox!!

An aspiring prayer warrior for Jesus!!