Panic attacks!?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Ever wondered what life was like before mobile phones invaded planet Earth?

Below is an adaptation of a conversation I had today.

R: Oh no.. My handphone no batt..

J: It's okie, I'll lend you mine.

Exchange of phones. R left.

For the next few hours(approximately 6 hours).. It felt like bliss at first, then anxiety started to set in.

+sweaty palms
+incoherent thoughts
+unable to concentrate
+constant worrying

I can't believe it, I had my mommy's phone with me. I felt uneasy just because I didn't have my own phone. The familarity of using that model..


Many a times, I'm dwelling in familarity. Once in a while.. I'll stick my head out of my shell
(and perhaps do something different)

During service last night, Pastor preached about being a LINE-crosser!!

We're called to cross over all kinds of barriers..

The shortest route to being accepted in a crowd is conformity(but that's hardly exciting at all!)
Take a swimming pool for example. The shallow end is where we'd find the crowd(young..old..small..huge..)


The shallow end is designed for low risk. For those who want to play it safe.

Now.. The deep end is designed for HIGH risk. You won't find many people there. It's easy to get hurt there...It's where ALL the FUN is!!

There are 5 lines to cross..
+The line of the UNKNOWN
Sometimes if you're not willing to try the ridiculous, you'll not experience the miraculous!

+The line of COMFORT
You won't give up your present until you've seen a GREATER future!

+The line of the IMPOSSIBLE
"God delights in impossibility"-Charles Spurgeon

Often.. there'd be more negative than positive remarks.. when we've decided to cross the line.

+The line of the PULL OF THE WORLD
Your faith will make their fears obvious.
The further you cross, the weaker the pull of the world!

An excitinig new world awaits.. Be a line crosser!!

Hehe.. That was my line of comfort earlier in the day :D