Got ingredient?

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Being a person of substance, of calibre(a degree or grade of excellence or worth)

In Hokkien.. It means "got ingredient".. "ooh liao"

Sigh.. After experiencing a very disappointing episode.. This is the conclusion.

If a woman marries a man of high calibre, she "tan dieo".."benefits greatly from the union"

If a woman marries a man of a lower calibre than she is, she "CHIAM!".."die lah"

To a woman, calibre means a lot. I didn't understand why most guys can be smitten with just looks alone and nothing much else. Until, a very wise lady made that Hokkien statement.

So.. You got ingredient?

All in the name of VANITY

Saturday, October 14, 2006


It's sooo painful. I wore my heels [it's not really high(4cm?)]

Remember my new jeans? I wore it today. It's too long even after folding it. Soo.. I wore heels. I didn;t want to drag my jeans on the floor. In the end.. I ended up dragging myself home.

It's soo painful, excruciating. Excruciatingly intense pain!! Haha..

Ai swee, mai mia (want to be pretty, don't want life)[Chinese dialect]

Shopping Spreeeeeee

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

These are my last words before mommy dearest wakes up..

I exceeded my cash limit today($200..?) Sigh..

Initially, it was just a pair of jeans! My current Levi's was with me for 6 YEARS!!! But good times don't last.. It wore out, I out grew it.. the seams split! Wahahahahahahah...

Salesgal: Is this all?

Me: Wait.. I want to look around..

I was recalling what my mom said wore out.. And I got them..ALL! Cash was flowing out fast...!!
+Tank tops + cushion(It was just too kawaii!!)


Goodbye... this could well be my last entry..

..::playing Teresa Teng's song..Goodbye..::..

A "Brand-New" Laptop

Sunday, October 08, 2006

D: Eww.. Your laptop is brown.. What did you do to it?

Me: Nothing.

D: Precisely. Go and clean it.

My brother whipped out his cleaning foam and cloth (machiam... I only heard of shaving foam lor..)

D: You know how to use?

Me: No... ??? Know?

D: Shake the bottle. Spray and wipe in circular motions.

I wiped... and did a whole lot more.

D: Aiyo... how can you wipe the touch pad so hard? Machiam.. Your laptop won't last for the next 5 years.

Aiya.. I dunno how to wipe properly la! I promptly gave up. Gave him back the bottle of foam.

Well... after much cajoling.. I was back to wiping individual keys.

TA-DAH!!! A "brand new" laptop!!!


It's a brand new start
Where changes abound
I cried, I teared
I had to let go

It's time to move on
A place where people come
The beginnings of dreams

It's a DREAM centre
Possible impossibilities
A GREAT God we have
We're His DREAM team!

The Wonders of Olfaction

Monday, October 02, 2006

The human tongue can only distinguish among 7-8 distinct types of taste, while the nose can distinguish among hundreds of substances, even in minute quantities. Olfaction amplifies the sense of taste.

Step One: Drink some water amd rid your taste buds of any lingering taste.

Step Two: Pinch the nose real hard so that it cannot detect any aromas...

Step Three: Get READY the mystery food substance.

Step Four: Pop it into your mouth!

I couldn't tell what it was that was in my mouth. My taste buds seemed to fail me.. Until...

I stopped pinching my nose. Ahh... barbeque sauce! Gee.. no wonder food taste sooo bland when my nose is blocked. I love you, nose.. Wahahahahaha..