Caught in between

Monday, February 19, 2007

These two days.. I've been caught in between-a lot.

I've been going out with my eldest bro and sis-in-law.

And they squabbled at the slightest things. Slightest.

Sigh.. Communication isn't just words. In fact it's everything else. Your tone.. your body languge... your personal radius( Let's get mathemathical)

On the eve, it started out with bro hugging his wife squeezing through the crowds. After the fireworks, it was jammed... EVERYWHERE! Traffic was slow, tempers were flaring. Everyone wanted to get out of the place fast. We were stuck. Can't move an inch.


They were no longer hugging. Bro was walking really fast.. ahead. I spoke to sis... then to bro. Reconciliation. Phew.

Just earlier...bro misplaced his phone. He asked a rather harsh tone.


We sat in his car, setting out to visit sis' parents. He drove recklessly.

I cried. Told him," Can you don't get angry over the slightest things..."

They made up... and the whole night was peaceful...
