It's the school holidays!!
That's means... DOUBLE TRAFFIC!!!
Waa!! The number of students seen will be doubled! Noise heard will be doubled! Scoldings doubled...??!
It's a really tiring day, what's more.. we were TWO teachers short!! I salute my colleagues who were there! We fought a great battle.
So.. no missing kids. No major trouble kids. All kids had their meals! Those who were supposed to bathe bathed. :D
Ganbatte!! (ganbatte=persevering!!) Aiya.. my blog doesn't reflect the Japanese characters..why?!
After this June holidays.. It's gonna be different. One of my colleagues is leaving!! *sob sob*
She's my most treasured..
+makan buddy!
+resident psychologist too!!
+mommy(coz she calls me "the baby")
Thank you for all the great times!! I'm gonna miss you sooo much!!
A BIG kid who LOVES to draw!!
double traffic
Monday, May 29, 2006
Posted by Joy at 8:01:00 PM 0 comments
my name!!??
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Q | Quality |
U | Unusual |
E | Earthy |
K | Kinky |
L | Little |
I | Industrious |
N | New |
L | Little |
I | Inspirational |
N | Nerdy |
G | Gloomy |
J | Judicial |
U | Unnatural |
D | Dysfunctional |
Y | Young |
J | Judicial |
O | Organic |
Y | Yucky |
Name Acronym Generator
Haha!! Me... yucky..?
"approving nods*
Posted by Joy at 2:52:00 PM 0 comments
makan finale!!
Saturday, May 27, 2006
My Indonesian relatives came back on Thursday. A total of 4 stayed at my place.
Supper was at Roti Prata House!
Honey paper prata...that's what dreams are made of!
On Friday, met up Huimin and Adeline.
Our initial plan was to go to Eski Bar...
Hmm.. we ended up at New Asia Bar instead.
Pub->no dancing. just drink and chat.
Club->dancing everywhere!! drink! too noisy to chat!!
When I went there, the place looked really familiar..Ahh.. I've been there!
By day, it's a cafe...Equinox...
At night...a club.
Huimin was very afraid that I'd be uncomfortable.
Haha.. after flashing my megawatt smile, she's finally assured that I'm alright.
It's interesting though to see the people unwinding themselves..
The various ways they dance
+carefree (they move all over the floor)
+uptight (vibrating in one position)
+sexy!! (no need to explain la!)
I used to think that a club is sleazy and nothing else. Hmm.. It's different now.
The toilet is beautiful.. there was a lot of room for...puking? Haha.. It's oriental. Nice!
When we left the club, my voice was hoarse..I breathed in too much second hand smoke! I became a passive smoker..
+makan finale+
Bak ku teh wrapped up the entire experience..
My stomach's sooo satisfied this week!!
Posted by Joy at 10:43:00 PM 0 comments
mission impossible??
Friday, May 26, 2006
After Lau Pa Sat..
Decided to send Tom off on the way home..
Went on a frantic search for him on Messenger and email. He's found!!
Gave him the details.. to call Abel because I was uncontactable. ( I work underground... sigh... no reception)
+The next day+
I boarded the cab.. en route to Changi Airport Terminal 1.
On the way, listened to my voice mails..
Voicemail: Judy, when you've received my message, give me a call. (from Abel)
Me: Ya..?
A: Tom didn't call.. at all.
Me: What?! I'm on the cab..halfway there...
So stranded.. I don't know whether to go..
I went... and found Tom!!
It's my fault.. I gave Tom the wrong number. But he called too late too :D Hehe.. It's not entirely my fault la. Opps..
His friends from DTC were there to send him and another Indian lady off. I was all alone.. sooo awkward..
Hmm.. I didn't cry.. Abel and Sam thought I would.
I miss him.. Perhaps, we'll meet in Japan or States :D
Posted by Joy at 12:59:00 AM 0 comments
makan part 2
+Lau Pa Sat+
+Tom's the photographer!+
Ooo... there was sooo much food... The crowd's larger!
I think my stomach's gonna burst..
+Tom & Abel... during the meal+
They were too bloated to fit in the frame after the meal :D (just kidding)
Yea... we feasted yea...
+bak ku teh
+kway chap
+shell fish..? lala...?
+sting ray (fire-spewing!!)
+fried youtiao
+chickee wings!
+indian rojak
Wash it all down with...teh tarik!
And also end it off with dessert!!
Onaka yiiiiiiii...pai!! Hmm... It means, I'm very full??
We tried in vain to take a cab home after the feast. In vain... No cab wanted to pick us up!!
We took the train instead... Sayonara Tom!!
Posted by Joy at 12:38:00 AM 0 comments
makan part 1
Monday, May 22, 2006
+chomp chomp+
Abel and I brought Tom to chomp chomp!
Hehe.. It was Abel's treat.. Well, the next day would be my treat!
Initially, we wanted Tom to try the satay beehoon, but the stall wasn't open..
We ordered a lot!!!+food glorious food+
+fried oyster egg
+sting ray...super spicy!!
+chee cheong fun and the yam counterpart
+chwee kueh
+ngoh hiang
+glutinous rice... green and sweet
+red bean dumpling
Haha! In the end.. Tom brought home most of the dessert.. Abel was the one who insisted.
And Tom's most wanted drink!! Sugarcane juice. He has been craving for it since he touched down in Singapore. Haha, wish granted.
We had quite some food left over... Abel suggested playing the number game. Wahahahahaha!! Abel ended up eating most of the food! Well... He should! He's soooo skinny!!+Tom & me+
That's my hand!! Wanted to point at his face and do something silly. I'm glad I didn't. :D
Next stop!! Lau Pa Sat!!
Posted by Joy at 11:22:00 PM 0 comments
craving satisfied!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
I've officially satisfied my twister fries craving :D
Thanks to my bro!
Wahahahaha.. He bought me Mcwings meal with twister fries! He gave me his share of twister fries too..
I'm completely filled to the brim... with twister fries.
Posted by Joy at 9:27:00 PM 0 comments
I don't know what title to put.. so... dunno lah!
I just watched Da Vinci Code last night. Heh.. It's a work of fiction.
I don't know why so many people are going ga-ga over it.
It's a pretty engaging movie though.
It was a FOOD day yesterday..
We brought Tom out to eat prata.. haha! Actually it's satisfying my craving for honey paper prata.
Then walked...walked...walked.. (because we met up at 3pm and the movie will only start at 8pm. It's my fault...)
Then we had haagen diaz fondue..
You know... all my post party desires are granted in the span of a day... wahahahahahaha!!!
Posted by Joy at 8:29:00 PM 0 comments
it's over!!
Friday, May 19, 2006
I just reached home..
I finished my paper last night! It was a breeze! Wahahahaha... Kudos to my tutor and my lecturer! There were many questions that they emphasized that came out!
After the paper, I saw Huimin and Adeline (hmm.. I'm not sure if I spelled it correctly)
Me: Hungry?
H: A little..
Me: Are you working tomorrow?
H: No..
Well, we were well on our way to Holland Village. Yippee!
*boarded the wrong bus
*alighted at the wrong stop
*had a mini night hike
*tortured the two girls with my singing... wahahahahaha
Despite the mishaps we had on the way.. Our spirits were high!
I saw Eski Bar... A very cold place.
Made a mental note to visit there :D
+stomach growled+
A: What do you want to eat?
Me: Anything?
+Crystal Jade+
Wow! Crystal Jade closes at 3am over there..
Oooh... food glorious food!!
*mango pudding with condensed milk (This has real bits of mango in it! Absolutely heavenly!)
*yang zhou fried rice
*ha gao (shrimp dumpling)
*fish congee
*fried shrimp paste chicken wings
*deep fried beancurd skin (super super flavourful!)
I was soooooooo satisfied..Ahh...
Headed to Eski bar..
Waitress: Sorry! We've closed our last order..
I'm going there next friday! Haha..It's soooo cold and nice there..
So the three of us headed to 7-eleven, bought drinks and Pocky!
At the newly furnished food centre, we sat there and chit chatted till the next morning..
I've never stayed out the whole night at a food centre. Haha..
Actually there were a lot of funny details in the conversation..but..I can't remember what they were.
I guess I didn't encode the information into my long term memory. (Remember the chapter on memory)
Wahahahaha!! I knew it was fun and also I am on leave today! Woo-hoo! This makes everything so much more enjoyable... hehe..
At about 6am.. We took bus 106 to Clementi. Macdonald's breakfast!!
+Home Sweet Home+
Posted by Joy at 8:33:00 AM 0 comments
*makan makan*
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
*ring ring*
Me: Hello?
T: Judy?
+Tom is back!+
He was at Junction 8 and needed a hi-card. Hmm.. I figured, I should meet him and help him get one.
Ohh.. It was my first time buying a hi-card *blush*
I didn't know how to get it, but my brother told me to buy it from 7-eleven.
+At the counter+
Cashier: 1st time user?
Me: Yup...*completely clueless*
Cashier: You'd need to register. Your i/c please..
Me: Huh? *blank*
+ took out my i/c+
Argh.. It showed a 12-year old picture of me!
Cashier looked at it in disbelief..
Me: That's me..(to the cashier)
Cashier: That's cute..
+I covered Tom's eyes.. So embarrassing!+
Cashier: $8 please.
Tom footed the bill...naturally, since it's his... haha..
We've got a cool deal! The card has a stored value of $10! :D
T: Judy, where can I find cheap sandals? *pointing to his slippers*
Me: Ermm... mini toons?
+At mini toons+
Hello Kitty slippers...?
Me: Let's go search at ntuc..
T: Ntuc...?
Me: It's a supermarket..
T: Let's do it later..
Me: You're hungry..?
+He nodded+
Ooh.. The prawn noodles at bishan interchange at S11 is absolutely heavenly!
They have chilli powder for you to add in your soup.. Yummy!!
Amazing discovery!
The prawn shells can be eaten.. Actually they can, just that I haven't tried it yet.
Usually, I'd eat the fried ones that are crispy.
I looked into Tom's bowl.. the shells are missing!!
Me: where are the shells?
+He pointed to his stomach+
He ate them!!
Posted by Joy at 8:52:00 PM 0 comments
i was telling you..
Your Hair Should Be Pink |
Hyper, insane, and a boatload of fun. You're a traveling party that everyone loves to follow. |
See!! I've always wanted this hair colour...
Not the whole head but just a little
Any sponsors?
Posted by Joy at 1:52:00 PM 0 comments!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
My exam is on Thursday 18th May...
Gee.. that means I have 1 whole full day to do some last minute mugging!
Posted by Joy at 10:36:00 PM 0 comments
charlie chaplin-table ballet
hehe.. I was just browsing..
Hmm... me? An aspiring Charlie Chaplin??
Posted by Joy at 10:11:00 PM 0 comments
I'm waiting.. waiting.. for my student that's not here yet..
Will she come?
It's my exam tomorrow! Yippee!!
I'm going to hold a huge celebration.. throw a twister fries party!!
And Tsutomu is coming back tomorrow too!
So excited!!
Posted by Joy at 4:20:00 PM 0 comments
the melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Haha.. an anime I look forward to! hmm.... It has a pretty funny story line.
Check out this link!
Posted by Joy at 1:41:00 AM 0 comments
I sprained my back while I was asleep. It has been three days.. the agony..
How does one sprain one's back while asleep...? Mysterious..
On the way home earlier, I was singing :D
Haha.. I spread my arms and walked a distance, oblivious to my surroundings. *embarrassed* *paiseh*
+listen to my song+
I wanna soar
Soar above the mountains
Soar across the oceans
High up
I wanna soar
Soar through the darkness
Soar through the sea
Of criticisms
Spread my wings a little
A little
Taking flight
I wanna soar
My dream of great heights
Within my reach
I wanna soar
+ooh... that was my song!!+
Hehe.. I dunno why and how these lyrics popped up..?
Posted by Joy at 12:47:00 AM 0 comments
ooh..many changes..
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Alright, not that many. Just two?
Went to Sentosa on friday with two primary school mates.
Beforehand, my colleague was sharing on "How to get the perfect golden tan?"
Step 1: Bathe.. be very clean.
Step 2: Apply a generous amount of tanning oil/lotion on all uncovered areas. (the face too???)
Step 3: Go under the sun for 15 minutes.
Step 4: Then fully immerse in the sea....
Step 5: Dry oneself and apply another thin layer of tanning oil/lotion all over.
Step 6: Continue tanning
Step 7: Shower thoroughly.
Step 8: Apply and rub in Johnson's baby lotion all over.
Now...I've got the "perfect" tan.
Wahahahaha... so far so good.. my skin's itchy but not peeling :D
I've got a new haircut too!!
Go to Jeniva Hair Saloon at Far East! Hee.. It's an interesting place..
I think it's on the 4th floor.
Happy hunting!
Posted by Joy at 7:24:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Is it time to take the plunge...?
To change, for better or for worst?
It's all so frustrating...!!!!
Posted by Joy at 12:02:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 08, 2006
My sis-in-law is undergoing chemotherapy for her cancer.
I don't know at which stage, but bro told me that everything's pretty much in control.
She wears a wig, and today was the first time I saw her without it.
+my inner thoughts+
Wow! Nice head shape!
She looks really cool especially with her new frames.
A totally cool futuristic look!
+back to reality+
I guess it takes lots of courage to show your true self. There's a lot of stigma attached, but.. she overcame :D
She's a conquerer.. having gone through operations..
Now that she's in the midst of her exams, she works even harder!
I admire her courage.. her perseverance. It's awesome!!
Posted by Joy at 11:39:00 PM 0 comments
A gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break: “We are likely to be disconcerted by... hiatuses of thought” (Edmund Wilson).
Yes... a "well" deserved break!
Pauline set off for China, Jinan at 4.20 am.
Jason, Raymond(not N41 leh..), Jingying, Hexun and me.. We stayed through till the next morning.
After Pauline left..
Alas.. only Hexun and me didn't sleep. The rest took a snooze.
Jingying: Brought work and gave the students marks that were too generous
Jason: Woke up from his snooze and read.. about Japanese and their lifestyle..(cheem!! as usual)
Raymond: Snooze all the way...zzzz...zzz..zz..z...
When all woke up finally at about 6.00am
Contemplating to have breakfast..
Stood at the counter.. blur as can be. The staff at the counter must have had a hard time getting the orders out from us.
On the journey to the MRT.. Changi
+Home sweet home+
Brain was awake but body was overcomed with fatigue
Woke up.. read the papers..slept some more..
Had lunch.
A bowl of instant noodles
Studied.. slept..
Had dinner.
2 taiwanese sausages
Haha.. Perhaps I could lose some weight with such a diet. I can't believe I ate so little..
Posted by Joy at 12:22:00 AM 0 comments
*squawk*...tea-cher judy!
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Last night..
Walked out of my workplace.. soo defeated..
Sigh.. why is it that this bunch of 10-year-olds.. they're sooo ill-disciplined!!?
Seriously, why am I so affected by them? ( that is one of the trigger as to why I wanna change job..)
Nearly every lesson I have with them leaves me soo drained.. Argh!!
Went to hougang to visit some kids.
As I was walking towards the house..*squeals! screams! running stumbling!*
*knock knock*
hahaha.. the kids screamed as I screamed...
Kids: Teacher Judy!! Teacher Judy!! Come in... play...!!!
Parrot: *squawk*...tea-cher judy!
I was promptly dragged into their house.. playing their game..
Haha.. when was the last time I played this game..? When I was in primary school.
It's fun!!
Kids: Mr Wolf.. what time is it?
Me: One o'clock(move 1 step)
Kids: Mr Wolf.. what time is it?
Me: Twelve o'clock(move 12 steps)
...drawing nearer..
Kids: Mr Wolf.. what time is it?
haha.. and I ate up one of the kids (metaphorically)
As I left the house...
Parrot: *squawk*...tea-cher judy!
Posted by Joy at 10:09:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 04, 2006
It was yet another "gastronomic" adventure..hmm.. today was more like a misadventure.
Anyway, amidst the misadventure.. me, my bro and mommy were in a very interesting conversation..
B: This morning.. when you went out, did you notice anything?
Me: Huh..? Cockroach?
+B shakes head+
B: Granny said she saw someone snapping pictures of you when you left the house.
Me & Mom: Oooohh...
Mom: See la! Always come home late.. Now, someone's stalking you! You better come home early!
+Now I wonder if all this is a ploy..+
Mom: Our neighbourhood is so quiet somemore.. sigh..
Hmm.. a stalker? Sounds so theatrical! hehe...
The food is really really really not appealing. *ack ack*
I miss honey paper prata.
Posted by Joy at 9:12:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Q: What are you working as?
A: A clown!! Wahahahahahaha..
Hmm.. Do you believe?
I really want to be a clown. It's a secret desire.. (now, it's an open secret!)
To draw.. handicraft is my passion! I'm super duper quiet when I'm at it.. It's a rare sight for many :D
Today, I received a call..
*ring ring*
Me: Hello.. SM?
SM:Judy, are you interested to be a trainer? *details..details..*
Me: ...
It's about angel clay. It's a kind of sculpting clay that is non-greasy.. non-stick. It's really easy to work with. During children's church last week, the children had a hand at angel clay. The kids were delighted! I'm delighted too! My kids had some left over clay, so they passed it to me. On the way home, I used the clay to make..
+teddy bear
and the clay ran out..
Sigh.. how I wished I was available..
It'll be like a dream come true! Doing all the fun stuff and being paid for it!
Hmm.. should I...?
Posted by Joy at 8:58:00 PM 0 comments
going around in circles
6.30am. *alarm rings!*
Jumped out of bed(pretty rare..)
Soon after, I boarded the bus and was off to work.
Dozed off during the journey and missed the drop off point!! ( by 5 bus stops!!)
Alighted and crossed the overhead bridge. Took another bus back.. late for work.
After work, I boarded bus 74. I supposed to alight at Dover mrt station and take a train to church.
Sigh... fell asleep.. missed the stop and found myself at Buona Vista.
Took a cab that went by AYE...( I thought I was lost!!)
Finally reached church.. Prayer meeting!!
After supper, Jeremy dropped me and Jason at Clementi.
I crossed the road, took bus 52.
Fell asleep..
Awoke! I'm at Jurong East... Argh.. I took the wrong direction.
Sigh.. Waited for bus 52 at the interchange.
It's the same driver... wonder if he recognises me. He greets everyone! Wow!
Finally.. I caught the last feeder bus home.. Thank God..
I should sleep early.. I don't want to go in circles anymore!!
Posted by Joy at 1:15:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 01, 2006
I'm in the toilet. Detoxifying!
Wahahahaha!! After drinking mommy's specially made lime juice.. my bowels started working very hard.
Mommy came home earlier and exclaimed..
Mom: You're swollen!!
Me: Huh?
Mom: You're not ordinarily fat, you're exceptionally swollen!
Ooo... sigh...
Mom: I wonder what the doctor will say.. probably transfer you to the cosmetics department (supposedly liposuction)
Me:hmm..hmm..hmm..(eating the kfc meal mommy just bought)
Mommy proceeded to stare hard at me. Geez.. I can't do anything(lose weight immediately) even if you stare hard at me :D
Haha.. Mom's pretty adorable. She'd buy me good good good food then urge me to finish it. After that, a guilt trip I think, she'd lament about how fat I am. Then...groanings..groanings..groanings from dearest mommy.
Actually.. I just wanna say.. I miss honey paper prata!!
Whenever it's nearing exams, I'd be stressed. Well, who wouldn't?
I'd have strange desires..
+dye/highlight/cut my hair
+food glorious food!
+getting a huge backpack...preferably white with pink and black mickey mouse heads all over it!
Hmm.. the last desire.. the backpack is from my fantasy. It doesn't exist yet.
If you see one as how I've describe, let me know :D
Have a break, have a honey paper prata!
Posted by Joy at 7:15:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, my rest day.. sabbath.
After busing the kids to church, I set off to Woodlands National Library.. to do the impossible.
I was there to study with... ... ... SHIRLEY!!
Our previous attempts to study failed terribly. Though I was pretty hesitant about the appointment, I went ahead well prepared.
Contents of my bag
+jacket (brrr...)
+waterbottle (also dubbed brain juice!)
Despite a few hiccups before actual studying started.. We studied for 2 hours!!!! We did it!!
Study= no chit chatting/playing/fooling around
It's a great achievement!
Posted by Joy at 4:18:00 PM 0 comments
Thursdays... The day of food! GLORIOUS FOOD!!
Every thursday, by default.. is my mommy's day off from work.
So, every thursday, mommy and bro would pick me up from my workplace.
Off we went to gourmet summits!!
Last Thursday was very special!
Mommy had to work but that didn't deter us from our gastronomic adventure!
Supper it shall be!
It was our second time there..
The Roti Prata House
246 m & 246 K
Upper Thomson Road
Singapore 574370
Tel: 64595260
The best news is this place is open 24 hours!!
They serve..
+mee goreng
+mutton soup
+nasi bryani
+nasi goreng
+prata of all kinds!!! and many many more!!
Hmm.. I'm considering.. to hold a birthday celebration there!!
I love the food there!! Woo-hoo!!
Posted by Joy at 12:16:00 AM 0 comments